My Approach

Fundraising is hard and often times we come into an office that needs- something. More money, better processes, better leadership, priority rebalances- something. It is rare that we walk into an office and are ready to run in 2 weeks’ time. Training, that is at a reasonable cost, is nonexistent. I am deeply dedicated to and passionate about helping share what I have learned with fundraisers.

I maintain a full-time fundraising role in the community to ensure I am always practicing what I am coaching and am on the real-time side of an ever-changing industry.

I like to have fun in this work and center on the concept that we are all humans doing our best. I want to help you to do your best too, whatever that looks like and in whatever stage of your career you are in.

Dream it

We all got into nonprofit work for a reason. Often times it plays into part of our soul that wants and dreams better for this world. When we are alone and unprepared, that dream can see far off. I seek to find your dream and show you how to make it possible, through fundraising.

Build it

There is work to be done, in our country and in our world. We need more passionate people like you, looking to make an impactful difference in it. The work is hard, frustrating, and wildly rewarding. I look forward to building something lasting with you.

Hi, I’m kari young.

I grew up in eastern Washington and attended Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA. There I graduated with a degree in sociology. Post-college, I served with AmeriCorps NCCC, then returned to the Puget Sound area and built up 20 years of nonprofit experience. The past 9 years have focused on major and planned giving.

My focus is being the bridge between donors and service recipients. My passion is teaching others how to do this incredibly amazing, exhausting, challenging, and rewarding work. Being able to work with donors and use philanthropy to make a difference in our communities is what inspires me and brings me hope for our futures.

If you have read this far, you deserve to know more than my work rapsheet! I am honored to be the mom to two incredible kids, grade school-aged. My husband and I have been married for the past decade-plus. As a military veteran, he is a balance to my non-profit heart. We sing, we dance, we like to create, explore and live life. As my career has progressed, nonprofit leadership keeps taking more and more of my time and energy. I am working to learn more about integrating my work and life in a way that feels honoring to me.

With coaching and training, I am passionate about transparency, the reality of what we are working with, and taking things step by step to hit big goals. It would be awesome to get to work with you, if this all sounds great- click that little white button and we’ll connect!